In the past few weeks, it has been brought to our attention that a number of Central Hudson customers have received unusually high bills. Although the timing of these bills seemed to coincide with the filing of the Joint Proposal for the new Rate Plan, this is just a coincidence. The new rates will not go into effect until July of this year after the Public Service Commission has approved the plan.
The unusually high bills appear related to electricity usage for the month as recorded by the company, and not to rates. (Delivery rates are approved by the PSC and do not change month to month; and supply rates, which are set in the market, did not vary that significantly.) We have heard directly from some customers that Central Hudson’s recorded usage for their home appears much higher than is typical for their household consumption. We've seen some fluctuations that can be explained by the unusual weather and the effects that has had on the estimation system and meter reading schedule, but there are some that can't be explained by this. We want to get a sense of whether other customers have had the same experience with their recent bill, so that we can get to the bottom of this and hold the company accountable if customers are being overcharged.
Please take a moment to look at the usage bar chart on your bill. If there was a significant usage jump in one of the past few months, please consider filling out our survey. Your personal information will not be recorded or shared.