At the urging of CLP last year, a state-level working group that reports to the PSC's Clean Energy Advisory Council (CEAC) was created for the purpose of assessing the barriers, limitations, and opportunities for Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) in New York and making recommendations to the PSC and NYSERDA for policy and program changes to better align support the shift to a locally-based clean energy system. The final report was presented to the CEAC and submitted to the Public Service Commission in January, and could potentially expand CCA program opportunities if its recommendations are implemented by the PSC and NYSERDA. The working group was ably chaired by Brad Tito, NYSERDA's Communities & Local Government Program Manager, and CLP's Jen Metzger was an active participant. A wide range of interests and perspectives were represented in the working group, including utilities, which did not agree with some of the report's recommendations. Still, it was a constructive dialogue, according to Metzger, and the report provides valuable insight into current obstacles to CCA 2.0 in New York and useful guidance to the State to better support CCA programs with a local clean energy focus.