New Paltz Times: Power Grid Issues forum raises specter of higher electric rates for the mid-Hudson

CLP hosts a community forum to discuss the PSC's proposed New Capacity Zone (NCZ).

Read the full article originally published in the New Paltz Times.

Rosendale Town Board member Jen Metzger, a founding member of CLP, began with a brief summary of the forces currently converging on the mid-Hudson’s power grid. The first component is the creation of a “New Capacity Zone,” ordered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in August 2013 at the request of ISO and set to take effect May 1, 2014. The second consists of plans to upgrade high-voltage power transmission lines passing through the mid-Hudson: a key component of governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York Energy Highway Blueprint released in 2013. “It’s important that we understand the costs and benefits of both programs to us here in Ulster County,” said Metzger.