Organizations Point to “Overwhelming Evidence” that a Fortis-Central Hudson Merger is Against the Public Interest

CONTACT: Jennifer Metzger,
845-489-0830; 845-658-8967

Press Conference on Thursday, May 23, at 2pm in Kingston With PulP Executive Director, Citizens for Local Power, and Leadership of Belize Institute for Law and Public Policy

Days after Citizens for Local Power (CLP) and the Municipal Consortium in Opposition filed a legal brief with the Public Service Commission, CLP is holding a press conference to discuss the overwhelming evidence provided in its brief--including court orders and signed affidavits from cases concerning Fortis operations in Belize--demonstrating that the proposed Fortis-Central Hudson merger is not in the public interest and should be rejected. CLP will provide evidence concerning the financial, legal, and environmental reasons for rejecting the merger, and concerning the Canadian holding company’s history of corporate malfeasance.   Speaking on behalf of CLP is public utilities attorney Dan Duthie, who will be joined by Gerry Norlander, Executive Director of the Public Utility Law Project (PULP). SKYPING in for the conference is Candy and George Gonzalez of the Belize Institute for Environmental Law and Policy, which has been a party to two lawsuits related to Fortis’s failure to meet its commitments and its neglect of the health and welfare of people affected by its operations in Belize.  Candy Gonzalez was a member of the Belize government’s National Environmental Appraisal Committee, in charge of reviewing Fortis-BECOL’s controversial hydroelectric project.  County officials will also participate in the press conference, and staff for NYS Assembly Member Kevin Cahill will read a statement on the Assembly Member’s behalf.

WHEN: Thursday, May 23, at 2 pm.
WHERE: Chambers, County Office Building (6th floor), 244 Fair Street, Kingston.