CLP submits comments to PSC, on behalf of MHSC, on LED options proposed by Central Hudson

CLP today submitted comments to the PSC on behalf of the MHSC on a new round of LED street lighting options proposed by Central Hudson. The new options would have a “warmer” color (lower Correlated Color Temperature) than the utility’s current LED options--a response to feedback from some municipalities that the light quality of the utility’s current LED options is too harsh. While MHSC welcomes the addition of warmer options, we point out in our comments that most of the new options are over-sized in terms of wattage (as the current LED options are), and recommend lower wattage fixtures to maximize energy and cost savings and minimize complaints from the public about the lights being too bright.

In a much welcomed move, Central Hudson has also proposed to reclassify existing HPS fixtures as “non-standard” and drop stranded asset charges for existing fixtures when municipalities request upgrades to LEDs--a recommendation the MHSC applauds. The additional charges for stranded costs are a major disincentive for municipalities to upgrade to the utility’s LEDs. View the MHSC comments, as well as Central Hudson’s proposal, here. The Case number for this PSC proceeding is 16-E-0616.