Country Wisdom News: Dreaming Green: Ulster Featured in National Geographic

CLP, along with other organizations and individuals, help to establish Ulster County as a standard bearer for sustainability. 

Read the full article originally published in Country Wisdom News.

Besides her town board work, which involves constant collaboration with one-time election opponent Jeanne Walsh, Metzger is co-founder and director of Citizens for Local Power. The organization was founded to oppose the Central Hudson/Fortis merger. When the merger went through anyway, Metzger and her colleagues didn’t go away whimpering.
They parlayed their collective learning, charisma, and contacts into a seat at the table with the state Public Service Commission and a voice in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “Reforming the Energy Vision” initiative, and they’re working hard on the nuts and bolts of community choice aggregation, calling on what Metzger describes as “the great minds in the country. There are so many initiatives and moving parts to REV, and constant vigilance is essential.”