Woodstock Times: PSC’s renewables plans met with skepticism

In order to publicize their "Reforming the Energy Vision" program, the PSC presented an information session in Kingston that allowed for comments by the attendees.

Read the full article originally published in the Woodstock Times.

“We are at critical juncture in New York on energy,” said Jen Metzger of Citizens for Local Power, a Rosendale-based group involved in the reform movement. “We have the greatest opportunity to make real change rather than tinker around the edges with reforms. Let’s all rewrite the energy rules that benefit our community, local economy and climate. Utilities will not be the agent of change, it will be us the people who will enable us to be more efficient and generate more power locally.”
Metzger also demanded “an end to the build out of fossil fuel infrastructure,” an opinion echoed by other speakers.