CLP today submitted comments on a Department of Public Service Staff White Paper on Track 2 of the REV, which seeks to transform the utility business model to encourage utilities to support, rather than fight, the shift to a more distributed energy system. CLP’s comments focused mainly on: 1) urging Staff to study the financial impacts of its proposals on electricity customers; recommending measures to better ensure that REV reforms meet needs of low- and moderate-income customers; expressing our great concern about the proposed plan to phase out energy efficiency incentives, and warning against viewing the market as a panacea for achieving broader societal energy goals; and recommending additional metrics upon which utilities should be scored with the proposed scorecards, and urging that scorecards be shared with electricity customers.
CLP also signed on to comments submitted by the Clean Energy Organizations Collaborative (CEOC) on the Track 2 DPS Staff White Paper, which can be found here. You can also see CEOC’s comments on the proposed Benefit-Cost Analysis Framework (BCA Framework), which CLP is also a signatory to. The BCA framework is supposed to be used by utilities to implement their REV programs and policies.