CLP yesterday filed comments with the Public Service Commission (PSC) on a new proceeding that could increase public access to valuable community-level energy data held by utilities. The PSC proceeding (Case 17-M-0315) is considering making permanent and more expansive NYSERDA's Utility Energy Registry (UER), which began as a pilot program in which utilities voluntarily provided "aggregate" (total) electricity usage data by municipality and zip code for different types of customers (residential, commercial, and industrial). Access to this information enables communities to better understand their patterns and to develop energy and climate mitigation plans. This information is also critical to the formation and implementation of Community Choice Aggregation programs. CLP's comments, which were also signed by Ulster and Dutchess County municipal officials and 13 other organizations, urged the PSC to require the utilities to regularly update the UER and to significantly expand the kinds of energy information it includes. You can read the comments here.