CONTACT YOUR REPS! Statewide Campaign to Reduce Utility Fixed Charges

CLP has spearheaded a statewide campaign in collaboration with partner organizations outside the Mid-Hudson region to encourage local elected leaders to urge the PSC to reduce unreasonable high fixed charges. So far, over 100 elected leaders have signed on to a letter to the PSC. This letter was sent to your local and county representatives—please urge them to sign on if they haven’t done so already. If you would like to know if your elected leaders have already signed, contact us at The deadline for signatures is November 3.

CLP is partnering with AGREE, Acadia, the Public Utility Law Project (PULP), and other organizations across the state to press the Public Service Commission to reduce utility fixed charges—a component of our electricity (and gas) rates that are up to five times higher than in neighboring states. Fixed charges place an undue burden on utility customers, especially those who can least afford it, and severely limit the ability of New Yorkers to control energy costs by reducing consumption or installing renewable energy on their buildings.

Central Hudson has the highest fixed charges in the state, and among the highest in the country. (According to PULP’s Richard Berkeley, the company’s fixed rates were the fifth highest in the U.S. in 2015.) A reduction in fixed charges in the current rate case could lead to similar reductions in other NY utility service territories. Currently, Central Hudson is charging residents $24 per month and proposes to increase the charge to $25, followed by O&R ($20), National Grid ($17), Con Ed ($15.76), and NYSEG/RG&E ($15.11). By contrast, in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, fixed charges are between $3 - $6 per month.