CLP In the News
Activists call on Governor Cuomo to address the problems with VDER in supporting community solar.
CLP holds a press conference, coordinated with statewide efforts, to call on Governor Cuomo to save community solar.
Environmental groups across New York coordinate press conferences to call on Governor Cuomo to fix community solar.
Central Hudson agrees to a reduced monthly fixed charge in joint proposal for latest rate case.
CLP director, Jen Metzger, and Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson executive director, Jonathan Bix co-author a Valley Views opinion piece arguing for the need to lower Central Hudson fixed charges.
CLP Director, Jen Metzger, explains why the new 30 percent tariff on imported solar components will hurt the renewable industry.
CLP Director, Jen Metzger, questions why the Town of Ulster was selected as the location for GlidePath's new power station.
CLP, along with partner community organizations, urge the PSC to reject rate hikes by Central Hudson.
CLP President, Susan Gillespie, calls for the Public Service Commission to reduce the fixed charge for residential customers in the latest Central Hudson Rate Case.